
Effective Piezoelectric properties By Using ANSYS SwiftComp

  1. Kishor Shingare

    Also Sir I have attached another

    which one i should select and how to modify it.

    Also Sir How to do Structural Analysis in ANSYS for Structural Global Responses.

  2. Hamsasew Sertse


    Dehomogenization also depends on the type of your analysis. For your case, analysis type=3, we need to have following inputs for your (sc.glb) file.

     v1 v2 v3 phi* !! global displacement in x1 x2 x3 phi the scaled electric potential
    C11 C12 C13 ! !Cij are global rotation you may not need for you case
    C21 C22 C23
    C31 C32 C33
    e11, e22, e33 ,2e23 ,2e13, 2e12 -E1, -E2, -E3 !global strain eij and gradients of electric potentials (dphi*/dxi=-Ei)
    Tm ! temp change


  3. Kishor Shingare

    Thanks for every help sir.

    Sir am comfortable with Homogenisation of elastic material. After clicking Homogenisation we get file.

    Then what changes i have to do for getting input for Dehomogenization.

    v1 v2 v3

    e11, e22, e33 ,2e23 ,2e13, 2e12

    How to get these value from our directory though there are 6-7 files.

    Because dehomogenization is important in both elastic and Piezoelectric.

    Thats why , also am gone through SC manual all theory but didn't got it. 


    Please please help me out to how to do input for Dehomogenization from directory ? Steps


    Thankuuu in Advance sir.

  4. Hamsasew Sertse


    Your inputs looks like dehomogenization for elastic properties. For your case, analysis type=3, we need to have following inputs for your (sc.glb) file for dehomogenizations. The inputs for dehomogenization are:

     v1 v2 v3 phi* !! global displacement in x1 x2 x3 phi the scaled electric potential
    C11 C12 C13 ! !Cij are global rotation you may not need for you case
    C21 C22 C23
    C31 C32 C33
    e11, e22, e33 ,2e23 ,2e13, 2e12 -E1, -E2, -E3 !global strain eij and gradients of electric potentials (dphi*/dxi=-Ei)
    Tm ! temp change

    As I already told that you cannot perform this analysis using Ansys-SwiftComp gui as it doesn't support it. You need to run it on command line.

    You can change your inputs for dehomogenization as per your case, which are assumed to be obtained from global analysis. These inputs help you to investigate the local behavior at microscale using SG or the unit cell you developed. The files in the working director should be unique. There shouldn't be two .sc files for one problem. You may check it by opening them. You also double check the files have extra extensions as sc.k, sc.ech etc 

    Once you perform your dehomogenization, you can check files like, sc.u and other output files based on your need to see the local field distributions.




  5. Kishor Shingare

    What is the meaning of Global Analysis and structural analysis for Dehomogenization ?


    Thankuuu so much sir.

  6. Kishor Shingare

    How to prepare .sc.glb file for Dehomogenization.

