
Abaqus SwiftComp GUI Dehomogenization error

  1. Anonymous

    Hello all,

    I am getting the following error message when I try to dehomogenize a 2D SG using Abaqus GUI.

    Cannot find .sg file

    Cannot find .sgm file

    Cannot find .snm file


    The SwiftComp code executes dehomogenization for the same inputs without error.

    A screenshot has been attached. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you.



  2. Su Tian

    I checked your input files and the issue is that you are using Timoshenko model, but the dehomogenization step in the GUI only provides four macroscopic strain entries for the classical model. The true error is given by SwiftComp in the command line with 'I/O error: global strians'. One way to work around this is manually input six strain components into the .glb file and run dehomogenization in the command line. Then you can visualize the result in Abaqus.
