
PreVabs error

  1. Corrado Pinzana

    Hi all ,
    after launching the input file in PreVabs, the first figure with the airfoil fgeometry appears but immediately disappears giving the following error:
    " there should not exist any positive keypt #s beyond the transition keypt # "

    What does the variable "keypt" mean ?

    Thank you


  2. Wenbin Yu

    Dear Corrado,

    PreVABS was developed by Dr. Hui Chen. Only he knows the details of the code. I will try to get hold of him so that whether he has a quick answer for you. 



  3. Corrado Pinzana

    dear Wenbin,

    thank you for your help

    regards Corrado

    2014-09-24 12:25 GMT+02:00 cdmHUB :

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