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  • Created 11 Aug 2017

Your suggestions for SwiftComp

  1. Wenbin Yu

    Dear All, you have all used SwiftComp. I would like to hear your suggestions for improving the software. Thanks a lot for your valuable comments!  

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  2. Kunal Samel

    there was just one issue I encountered while trying to model an RVE in swiftcomp online. The matrix volume is represented by a small sphere at its center, and the same for the fiber volume. However the matrix and fiber volume had the same center and the spheres overlapped. so i couldnt assign material to both. I tried editing the input file manually, however it would be easier if the volumes were offset in the display.




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  3. Xin Liu

    Hi Kunal,

    Thanks a lot for your suggestion. It is indeed a limitation that users have to manually edit input file to define two overlapped volumes. I couldn't find a way to overcome it. I believe it is a limitation for the gmsh, so we built several common SGs to avoid any possible CAD operations by users. I would say the Gmsh4SC is mainly used for illustration purposes or software development (it is an open source code), and Abaqus-SwiftComp GUI would be better if users want to create user-defined SGs especially for 3D SGs.

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