

Detailed lamination of blunt trailing edge

  1. bei li

    I am using the ANSYS-VABS GUI, but I have encountered some problems.  The problem is that an error is reported when the layer is paved. Because it is a blunt trailing edge airfoil, I added two more modlines at the trailing edge. Then L3 can successfully lay the layer, but L4 will report an error: Subscript range error Parameter ABIG_ BOTTOM_ LINE_ BSL_ 4 is Dimensioned as 1, but location 0 is being requested, can you help me find out what caused the problem?

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    Replying to bei li

    1. Wenbin Yu

      Ansys-VABS GUI was developed several years ago. It was not actively maintained. I will ask Dr. Fang Jiang who developed this to help you. In the mean time, I will suggest you to try iVABS (, which should be a better alternative than Ansys-VABS. 

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      Replying to Wenbin Yu

    2. Fang Jiang

      Is this convenient for you to upload some screenshots to illustrate the issue?



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      Replying to Fang Jiang

    3. Fang Jiang

      Thanks. Do the airfoil mould lines in the second screenshot include Lines 19 and 20 in the first screenshot?

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      Replying to Fang Jiang

      1. bei li

        You are right. Line19 was cut off by me, but the strange thing is that when I lay the layer for L3, the upper line was also cut off by me, but the layer can still be laid there, because line19 does not pass through the model? What should I do


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    4. Fang Jiang

      In the area plot above, could you please also mark the line number? In addition, what does it mean by "cut off"?

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      Replying to Fang Jiang

      1. bei li

        Cut of means that line19 is outside the layout


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    5. Fang Jiang

      Ok, thanks for the answers. My understanding is that because of the blunt trailing edge, you had to do boolean manually to get area associate to mould line 4.

      So as a first step to process, I would suggest to check the variable named "ABIG_BOTTOM_LINE_BSL_4", which should contain the big area number associate to line number 4. Then the code is expected to cut this area into layers according to you layup design input.

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      Replying to Fang Jiang