===Set-up for High Performance Computing on Windows=== i) Download and install !WinSCP. !WinSCP can be downloaded from https://winscp.net/eng/download.php. ii) Download Putty. Putty must be in (C:\Program Files (x86)). It can be downloaded from http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html. iii) Open !WinSCP. iv) Enter hostname “halstead.rcac.purdue.edu”. v) Enter your username and password. vi) Go to your directory on Halstead “scratch/Halstead/(first letter of username)/username”. vii) Make a new directory “Abaqus”. viii) Create two tex files abaqus_v6.env and script.sh. ix) abaqus_v6.env should contain the following three lines mp_mode = MPI mp_mpirun_options = '-UDAPL ' memory = '115 gb' x) script.sh file should contain the following lines
#PBS -l walltime=30:00:00,nodes=3:ppn=8
#PBS -q standby
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -N abaqus
#PBS -m e
#PBS -n	
# NP=20    #!How many procs/nodes do I have?
source /etc/profile
#module load unsupported
#module load abaqus/6.10-1
module load abaqus/6.14-6
#export MPI_REMSH=ssh
#abq6101 input=RR1000_80_80_80_res2 \
abq6146 input=6006024R \
job=6006024R  cpus=24 interactive scratch=${PWD}
date     #! print date and time
ix) Transfer abaqus_v6 file and script file to “Abaqus directory”. ===Run jobs on halstead=== i) Open !WinSCP ii) Enter hostname “halstead.rcac.purdue.edu”. iii) Enter your user name and password. iv) Go to Abaqus folder in your account folder by following “scratch/Halstead/(first letter of username)/username/Abaqus”. v) Transfer “Abaqus input file” to “Abaqus” directory. vi) Open script file and change walltime. Halstead kills the job if running time exceeds walltime. vii) Change number of nodes (machines). Maximum: 20, Recommended: 10. viii) Enter ppn (processors per node). Maximum: 20 ix) Enter input file name and assign a job name. x) Enter Abaqus input file name (in the third last line: abq6146 input=(input file name). xi) Enter job name. xii) Enter number of cpus that is equal to number of nodes*ppn. xiii) Open console (Putty). xiv) Type cd /scratch/Halstead//(first letter of your username)/username/Abaqus. xv) Type “qsub –q cmsc script.sh” to run a job. xvi) Type: “qstat –u username” to check job status. xvii) Type: “qdel job id”. Job id is a job number assigned by Halstead. xviii) Transfer your files to local directory for post-processing. Please consult [[File(clusters101.pdf)]], [[File(High_Performance_Computing_Resources.pdf)]] and [[File(rcac_cluster_reference.pdf)]] for more details.