%% Rajni Chahal (rajni.chahal@mavs.uta.edu), PhD Student, UT Arlington % Dr Ashfaq Adnan, Dr Ajit Roy %% March 3, 2017 % Please contact for any help in code A = imread('binary.jpg'); % l*m = color grid dimension l=40; m=30; B=size(A); ii=B(1,2)/l; jj=B(1,1)/m; t=1; N=[]; D=100; % limit set for the fiber identification, e.g. 0 is for black, 255 is for white. Program will consider it as fiber if value will be 100 for k=1:jj for n=1:ii M=A(((k-1)*m+1):(k*m),((n-1)*l+1):(n*l)); t=t+1; N=[N; nnz(M