Python and fortran script to create Abaqus input file for discretized addition of material in additive manufacturing (3D printing)


University of Wisconsin-Madison


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In additive manufacturing, especially, fused deposition modeling, material is continuously added over a print substrate. To simulate the process in finite element analysis, a discretized approach is used where finite number of blocks are added to the domain to simulate material addition. In the scripts presented above, the steps required to simulate 3D printing in Abaqus along with a moving heat source (using DFLUX) are automated. The python script outputs a coordinate map that a FORTRAN subroutine reads at the start of the print. This data is used to locate the coordinates to be heated using a moving heat source. The script automatically creates fine and coarse mesh domains based on the locations of 3D printed material.

Please see the attached manual with example input file for more details.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • VINAY DAMODARAN (2017), "Python and fortran script to create Abaqus input file for discretized addition of material in additive manufacturing (3D printing),"

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