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  • Created 11 Aug 2017

Transforming a differential statement to a variational statement

  1. Imad Hanhan

    I don't understand how to transform a differential statement to a variational statement and I'm not able to follow example 3.13 in the lecture notes. I need a more detailed example to understand the process. Can anyone post a reference you have used (perhaps in solving 3.11) or additional information that could be helpful in understanding the process?



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  2. Imad Hanhan

    Alterntively, if anyone can help me with example 3.14 (page 109) in converting the differential equation into the given variational statement that would also be very helpful.


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  3. Wenbin Yu

    Do you have difficulty to follow the steps of Example 3.13? Specialize this to one variable (x) should be able to help you convert from differntial statement to variational statement in  Example 3.14. 

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