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  • Created 11 Aug 2017

SwiftComp Abaqus GUI

  1. Lohit Gudivada

    Hi Bo,

    I have installed the Abaqus SwiftComp GUI. I am trying to do the MSG 3D analysis by creating a model in abaqus and homogenizing using the SwiftComp toolbar. However I do not get any pop-up containing results. I checked the Abaqus command and it shows the following message.

    "'Swiftcomp' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."

    Any sugggestions please?


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  2. Bo Peng

    Swiftcomp must be in your working directory.

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  3. Lohit Gudivada

    Thanks Bo, I think I confused myself with the working directory and other directories.

    Thanks a lot for your help.

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  4. Imad Hanhan

    Hi Bo and Lohit,

    Can you please confirm that this can also be done through the online SwiftComp module? That is how I have done it and didn't install any plugins into Abaqus, I just want to be sure this is acceptable.


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  5. Lohit Gudivada


    It can definitely be done using the online swiftcomp gmsh tool. Actually that’s what I tried first. I personally had a hard time creating the 3D square pack model there. It was much easier to model in abaqus but yes you would not need any license for the online swiftcomp tool.

    Also, Prof Yu had mentioned in the previous class that we can use either of the 2 methods.

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  6. Imad Hanhan

    Thanks Lohit, sounds good, I will give it a try using SwiftComp. I've already done the 2D, and I will try the 3D soon. I have some previous experience with Gmsh so hopefully that will translate and I can figure out how to do it through SwiftComp.


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  7. Wenbin Yu

    Yes. It can be done by the online version of SwiftComp. However, if you are not familiar with Gmsh, you might end up spending some time creating the 3D SG. Using Abaqus SwiftComp GUI, will avoid that effort because you already have the 3D SG (RVE) created when you are doing the RVE analysis. The GUI can be downloaded from cdmHUB with SwiftComp code requested from AnalySwift according to the instructions online. Then after you installed the GUI and SwiftComp, you will send me your machine name to get a license, all of these are free to you. 

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  8. Imad Hanhan

    Hello all,

    I have made a number of attempts to conduct homogenization using 3D SG and have been unsuccessful. Please see below a screenshot of my meshed 3D SG. I have inputted the material properties, created the geometry (as you can see the fiber material direction is intentionally in the global direction). I have assigned material properties by assigning "Physical Volumes" in the '.geo' file as was done with "Physical Surfaces" in the 2D SG. I meshed the part and ran the homogenization. The output is incorrect, I get numbers like E1=334 GPa, which is especially concerning because that is higher than even the fiber stiffness...

    I think perhaps there is an issue with my material assignment, because the meshed elements of the fiber and matrix are the same color. Alternatively, it could be an issue with my periodicity, however when I click 'Periodicity' -> '3D SG' I get the message "No need to define periodic B.C. for common model!"

    Anyone have any suggestion on what could be going wrong? Has anyone successfully conducted the 3D SG and has any tips?



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  9. Wenbin Yu

    I have invited Xin Liu, the developer of Gmsh4SC to answer your question. ---- Emailed forum response from wenbinyu@purdue.edu

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  10. Xin Liu

    Hi Imad,

    Can you share your .geo file? To create a 3D structure with periodic mesh in Gmsh is quite complicated, and you are right that the material properties you assigned have some issues since the color for different materials is the same. My best guess is the volume in your model has not been well defined, and the mesh is not periodic either. It would be helpful if you can share your .geo file with me.



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  11. Imad Hanhan

    Hi Xin,

    Thank you for such a quick reply. Honestly I don't know of how to export my '.geo' file from the SwiftComp app to my desktop. Since they don't share a clipboard I also can't copy/paste. However, I did share my session with you, hopefully you will be able to view my '.geo' file in the session.

    If you know of a way I can export the '.geo' file from the app, please let me know and I will be happy to send it to you.


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  12. Xin Liu

    Hi Imad,

    I found two issues in the model. First, the volume in .msh file is not right. This is due to the codes (not you) cannot compute the correct volume if you use extrude to create your 3D model. So the volume computed by the code is just area not volume. To fix this issue, you can change last line in .msh file from 4.0 to 8.0 after you save the file but before you run SC. The second issue is about creating periodic mesh. Gmsh is not good at this if you are dealing with 3D domain. I have tried to create periodic mesh for some surfaces (four transverse surfaces and two fiber surfaces), but I have difficult to create periodic mesh for the matrix part of the fiber direction surfaces. You can see the .geo file to see how I define periodic surfaces, and try to define the rest two surfaces yourself. This may work. However, my suggestion is to use Abaqus to create 3D SG instead of using gmsh, it will greatly reduce your modeling efforts.




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  13. Imad Hanhan

    Hi Xin,

    Thank you so much for your help. I watched as you used the periodic surface function, I will try to control the periodicity of the matrix in the 1 direction. If this doesn't work I will switch to the Abaqus version.


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