Adaptive Multi-Scale & Multi-Fidelity Progressive Failure Analysis of Composites
14 Nov 2022 | Contributor(s):: Tong-Earn (TE) Tay
Although high-fidelity modeling of progressive damage has advanced our understanding of failure mechanisms in fibre-reinforced composites, such techniques are currently still too computationally intensive for direct application to composite structures. The multi-scale nature of damage in...
Autodesk Simulation Composite Analysis (ASCA): Progressive Failure Analysis of Composite Structures
08 Nov 2014 | Contributor(s):: don robbins
This presentation is given on Composite Materials and Computational Tools Workshop: Industrial, Academic, and Government Perspective to DOD Applications in Dayton Ohio hosted by AFRL.
Puck Failure Criteria
31 Jul 2017 | Contributor(s):: karan kodagali
Composite materials have been established as competitive materials during the last few decades due to their high strength to l ow weight ratio among other advantages and are widely used in many industries. A recent study has found that the industrial usage of composite failure...