Generalized Free-Edge Stress Analysis Using Mechanics of Structure Genome
22 Aug 2016 | | Contributor(s):: Bo Peng, Johnathan Goodsell, Byron Pipes, Wenbin Yu
This work reveals the potential of mechanics of structure genome (MSG) for the free-edge stress analysis of composite laminates. First, the cross-sectional analysis specialized from MSG is formulated for solving a generalized free-edge problem of composite laminates. Then, MSG and the companion...
19 May 2016 | | Contributor(s):: Banghua Zhao, Fang Jiang, Zheng Ye, Wenbin Yu
This resource contains the download of the release package of ANSYS-SwiftComp GUI. Please be advised that what you download is the GUI only. You have to fill the form at http://analyswift.com/software-trial/ to request SwiftComp from AnalySwift LLC for performing the...
19 May 2016 | | Contributor(s):: Bo Peng, Orzuri Rique, Su Tian, Wenbin Yu
This resource contains the download of the release package of ABAQUS-SwiftComp GUI. Please be advised that what you download is the GUI only, you have to fill the form at http://analyswift.com/software-trial/ to request SwiftComp from AnalySwift LLC for performing the...
Mechanics of Structure Genome:Fill the Gap between Materials Genome and Structural Analysis
18 May 2016 | | Contributor(s):: Wenbin Yu
This is the presentation given as a Purdue Solid Mechanics Seminar on 5/18/2016. It summarizes the most recent devleopments up to the time of presentation.
A Unified Theory for Constitutive Modeling of Composites
18 Apr 2016 | | Contributor(s):: Wenbin Yu
A unified theory for multiscale constitutive modeling of composites is developed using the concept of structure genomes. Generalized from the concept of the representative volume element, a structure genome is defined as the smallest mathematical building block of a structure. Structure...
SwiftComp Examples
19 Nov 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Wenbin Yu
These document contains the examples which could be used to get familiar with SwiftComp.
Mechanics of Structure Genome: Reproduce 3D FEA Using Simple Structural Models for Aero Structures
10 Sep 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Wenbin Yu
This presentation is an extended lecture delivered to the Boeing FEA Community of Excellence on Sept 10th.The Mechanics of Structure Genome (MSG) has been recently developed at Purdue with the promise to revolutionize the analysis of composite structures. MSG can reproduce 3D FEA using simple...
A Tutorial for Using Gmsh-SwiftComp
12 Aug 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Wenbin Yu
The short video shows the basic steps in using Gmsh-SwiftComp to carry out homogenization and dehomogenization of continuous fiber reinforced composites.
SwiftComp: Right Results Right Away
13 May 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Wenbin Yu
This presentation gives a brief review of SwiftComp which is a general-purpose multiscale constitutive modeling code. It can bridge microstructure with the final macroscopic structural model. It takes a FE mesh of Structure Genome, which is defined as the smallest mathematical building block of...
Structure Genome: Fill the Gap between Materials Genome and Structural Analysis
06 Jan 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Wenbin Yu
This presentation is given at 2015 AIAA SciTech conference. A new concept, Structure Genome (SG), is proposed to fill the gap between materials genome and structural analysis. SG acts as the basic building block of the structure connecting materials to structures and the mechanics of SG governs...