thanks for your advice, I have a question, how can I calculate Hashin Damage? Damage Evolution and Damage stabilization?
If my elastic E1=30420e6; E2= 4023e6; E3=4023e6; v12=0.29; v13=0.29; v23=0.3928; G12=2081e6; G12=2081e6; G23= 1440e6, how can calculate Hashin Damage? I wish you help me.
Please the theory behind the terms you use (Hashin damage, damage evolution, and stabilization). It could mean different things to different people. You need to understand the questions and ask where you don’t quite understand.
---- Emailed forum response from
nguyen duc hai @ on — Edited @ on
Hi everybody,
who can simulation failure woven composite using Abaqus??????? help me....
send to me a file simulation, thanks
Wenbin Yu @ on
Please ask a more specific question.
nguyen duc hai @ on
thanks for your advice, I have a question, how can I calculate Hashin Damage? Damage Evolution and Damage stabilization?
If my elastic E1=30420e6; E2= 4023e6; E3=4023e6; v12=0.29; v13=0.29; v23=0.3928; G12=2081e6; G12=2081e6; G23= 1440e6, how can calculate Hashin Damage? I wish you help me.
Thanks so much
Wenbin Yu @ on — Edited @ on