
uploading geometries to GmshSC

  1. Hendrik Hagedorn

    Hi there,

    currently I have a hard time trying to upload and import geometries or meshes or anything else into SC.

    No matter which format I try, SC always crashes. Sometimes I see my geometry for a moment, but then it's over. Is it even possible to upload 2D or 3D geometries to calculate them with SC, or can I only calculate the common SG online anyway?
    I work with the downloadable version of Gmsh-SC and create my structure as given in the manual.

    I would really like to do that, because otherwise SC is really a great program! :-)

    Best Wishes

  2. Xin Liu

    Hi Hendrik,

    The import function in Gmsh4SC is only used to import .sc file instead of geometries or meshes (such as .geo file or .msh file).

    One possible way to have customized geometries in Gmsh4SC is to upload your .geo file and open it with Gmsh4SC. Then, you can mesh it and run SC homogenization and dehomogenization. I just tested the attached geo file and it works. However, Gmsh4SC is really not designed for the customized SG. For complex geometries or meshes, Gmsh4SC would probably crash.

    So I would suggest you to use Abaqus-SC GUI or Ansys-SC GUI if you really want to create your customized SG, or you can generate sc file using whatever tools you have and import into Gmsh4SC to run SC.





  3. Wenbin Yu

    And also we have interface with Nastran/Patran. ---- Emailed forum response from
  4. Hendrik Hagedorn

    Hello Xin,
    hello Wenbin,
    thank you very much for your fast response. I really appreciate it.

    Uploading my .geo file was my intention in the first place too. And for the record: my geometrie is way less complex than your posted example. But other than yours - I tried and it worked - mine leads to said crash. I will have a closer look where I might have gone wrong and let you know.

    keep up the good work.

  5. Xin Liu

    Hello Hendrik,


    You are welcome. Please let us know if you have further questions. 

    I am also happy to help you take a look at the geo file if possible.




  6. Hendrik Hagedorn

    Hey Xin,
    embarrassingly, I have to admit that I have most probably violated the "counterclockwise rule", when I created my geometry.
    After I had rebuilt the file I could upload the .geo file without any problems and edit it further.
    many thanks for your fast and competent assistance.
    Until the next time! :-)


  7. Xin Liu

    Hi Hendrik,


    You are welcome!

    Glad to know you have solved the problem.

    Let us know if you have any other questions. 


