
Installation of TexGen4SC

  1. LIU LIU

    Could anyone help me figure out how to install TexGen4SC correctly?  I compiled texgen-64bit-bundle2008.nsi using NSIS, but two new embeded functions about SwiftComp do not exist in my installation, which means I just installed the orginial version of TexGen. I tried to watch out TexGen4SC Tutorial Video Series, but it is hard to access Youtube in China.

  2. Xin Liu


    I will upload the tutorial videos to the supporting docs ( You can check them later and let me know if you have any questions.

    For installation, TexGen4SC is developed based on TexGen but not incorporated into official TexGen releases. I guess you downloaded the installation files from the TexGen website, which do not contain any functions about SwiftComp.

    Installing TexGen4SC on your local computer is a challenge work, so I would suggest you to use the cloud version. If you really want to have a local version, you can download the source files from the supporting docs and compiled it using Visual Studio on your local computer.




  3. Xin Liu

    If you have difficult in compiling the software, we also developed the installation file for Windows system users. However, the file only works for some machines under certain configurations. We can share the file with you if you want to have a try, but the file is too large to upload on cdmHUB. Please let me know what is the convenient way for you to receive big files. DropBox? Baidu YunPan?




  4. LIU LIU

    Dear Xin,

    I really appreciate your help and explaination. Definitely it is hard to install my own version of Texgen4SC, however it is not convenient to use the cloud version due to unstable internet connect in China. Thanks a lot for your offer of the installation file for Windows system users. If it is convenient for you, could you drop big files in Baidu Yunpan, I can download them in China. If it is not convenient, DropBox also works in China.


    Simultaneously, I downloaded the source files from the supporting docs already and try to compile it using Visual Studio on my own computer. I wish it could work for me. 

    Thanks a lot for your offering and sharing.


    Best wishes


  5. Xin Liu

    Dear Prof. Liu,

    You are welcome. Please use this link ( to download the installation file. Just double click the file and it will automatically install TexGen4SC. Then, you will find TexGenGUI.exe and you can try to open it. If the GUI pops up, then the installation works on your computer. If the GUI does not response, you may have to compile the source code using VS.

    Let me know if you have any questions.




  6. LIU LIU

    Dear Xin,


    Thanks for your quick reply. I will try to install it. If it does not work, I will let you know and ask for help. How to compile the Makefile. :)



    Thanks a lot



  7. LIU LIU

    Dear Xin,

    I loaded the sources file and tried it on my own computer. I also tried to install it in my students' computers. None of them works. It can be installed, but nothing popups after we start the TexgenGUI.exe. 

    I have to compile the file using VS. I downloaded the scr. zip from the supporting files. What should I do for compiling the files through Window 7? I noticed there is a file named as "Makefile", is it the one I need to compile ? What is the software I need to compile it?


    Sorry for my questions.


    Best regards


    Liu Liu

  8. Xin Liu

    Dear Prof. Liu,

    I am sorry that the installation file does not work on your computers. 

    Compiling TexGen4SC from sources is the same as compiling TexGen, so you can follow the instruction on the webpage "". Also, you may get some help from the forum "".

    Based on my experiences, you may get various compiling errors depends on the configuration of the local computer and you have to address them one by one. The best way to find the solution is to search online or ask the TexGen development team through the forum.





  9. negin rostami


    im trying to install tesxgen4sc .when i compiled the texgen installer using  nullsoft , i got this massage :

    File: "..\Python\" -> no files found.

    where should these files be located?

    i have to notice that pthon26 is installed on my system. i will be grateful if you help me with this.

    thanks in advance.

  10. Xin Liu

    Hi Negin,

    If you want to compile the texgen4sc from the source codes, you need to install all the third-party libraries and use a compiler. The procedure will be the same as compiling texgen. Please follow the instructions on the texgen website "". You can also ask questions about the installation in the texgen forum "".


