
Yarn Spacing

  1. Torkan Shafighfard (Student)


    Would you please let me know what is the yarn spacing unit in texgen? For example, I have a material which has Yarn Spacing: warp: 3,7 pick/cm (weft as well). Then, what should I give for the yarn spacing in the texgen?


  2. Xin Liu

    You can consider the unit is mm. You need to compute the spacing based on your definition as well as the unit cell you are going to create. Also, you can try to play with Texgen4sc using the default plain woven model so that you will have a better understanding about all the geometry parameters such as spacing, width, thickness.

  3. Torkan Shafighfard (Student)

    Thank you so much Dr. Liu,

    Actually, the company gave us this info which to me is not reasonable Since, I am new in this field I would be more than happy to have your idea:

    Yarn Spacing: warp: 3,7 pick/cm  (weft as well)

    Yarn Width: 7 mm

    Is it possible?

  4. Xin Liu

    I am not familiar with this notation. By a simple google search, you can find the meaning of pick/cm ( In this case, it seems 3 picks in 7 cm, and then the spacing may be 7/3 cm. I would suggest you to double check with the company.

  5. Torkan Shafighfard (Student)

    Thank you so much. Thanks for your time

  6. Nagappa Siddgonde

    I think warp yarn having 3 picks/cm and weft yarn having 7 picks/cm. you better check once in their datasheet 

  7. Torkan Shafighfard (Student)


    But it is not possible since the width is 7 mm. No?