Michael !McLennan is a Senior Research Scientist in Academic Technologies at Purdue University, and Director of the [http://hubzero.org HUBzero® Platform for Scientific Collaboration]. He is the software architect for [http://nanoHUB.org nanoHUB.org] and creator of the [http://rappture.org Rappture toolkit]. He is also well known in the open source community for creating [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incr_Tcl [incr Tcl]], an object-oriented extension of the popular Tcl scripting language. He is a coauthor of two books: [http://www.amazon.com/Effective-Tcl-Tk-Programming-Programs/dp/0201634740 Effective Tcl/Tk Programming] and [http://www.amazon.com/TCL-TK-Tools-Mark-Harrison/dp/1565922182 Tcl/Tk Tools].
Dr. !McLennan has a long history of developing CAD software at companies including Bell Labs and Cadence Design Systems. He received his Ph.D. in 1990 from Purdue for the study of quantum mechanical electron transport in mesoscopic devices, supported
as an SRC Graduate Fellow.