cdmHUB Concept Has Enormous Potential
The CDMHub concept has tremendous potential to provide integration and consistency in all phases of composite materials manufacture, testing, and simulation.
This is truly one of those ideas "whose time has come". With the advent of cloud computing resources like Rescale that can support large-scale HPC scientific computing, portals like CDMHub should grow and become ever more valuable.
Wenbin Yu @ on
Well said. Unlike Rescale or other cloud computing providers (software as a service, hardware as a service or desktop as a service), cdmHUB is not just shifting the computing from desktops to cloud resources, but provide the knowledge, tech support, and user community along with cloud computing. The major challenge in engineering simulation is not the software, or the hardware, but mainly how to use it in the right way to generate correct results. We expect tools on cdmHUB will be actively supported by the tool developers and user questions/answers and tech support will be more effective. And all the math and physics behind simulation tools will be explained and improved by the community.
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