Puck Failure Criteria

By karan kodagali

University of South Carolina


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Composite materials have been established as competitive materials during the last few decades due to their high strength to l ow weight ratio among other advantages and are widely used in many industries. A recent study has found that the industrial usage of composite failure criteria’s is limited to some of the simpler criteria’s inbuilt into the finite element software’s but these are unable to accurately capture damage and failure in the material [1]. Due to the complexity of some of the better performing criteria, they have proven difficult to apply. The objective of this work is to describe a user-defined material model for progressive failure analysis for composite laminates under implicit, quasi static loading. A Fortran subroutine (user defined material subroutine-UMAT) is developed for the ABAQUS environment for two dimensional and three dimensional models to predict damage initiation and progression along with a gradual stiffness reduction or a partial discount property degradation models when the damage is initiated.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • karan kodagali (2017), "Puck Failure Criteria," https://cdmhub.org/resources/1504.

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