Tags: cdmHUB

Resources (21-24 of 24)

  1. The Mission, Vision and Programs of the Composites Design and Manufacturing HUB

    08 Oct 2014 | Contributor(s):: Johnathan Goodsell, Byron Pipes, Wenbin Yu

    The presentation outlines the mission, vision and programs of the Composites Design and Manufacturing HUB as of October 2014.

  2. 2013 Composites Design and Manufacturing HUB Kickoff Workshop

    04 Sep 2014 |

    The Composites Design and Manufacturing HUB held a kick-off workshop at Purdue University on May 29-30, 2013 with over 100 attendees from industry, academia and government.  Select presentations from the workshop are included in this series.

  3. Nanohub and the HUBzero Platform

    16 Aug 2014 | | Contributor(s):: Michael McLennan

    Dr. Michael McLennan describes the nanoHUB and HUBzero platform at the May 2013 Composites Design and Manufacturing HUB workshop.

  4. The Challenge and Vision for cdmHUB

    14 Aug 2014 | | Contributor(s):: Byron Pipes

    Professor R. Byron Pipes presents the challenge and vision for the cdmHUB at the May 2013 Composites Design and Manufacturing HUB workshop