Tags: Workshop

All Categories (1-9 of 9)

  1. Workshop4 MSG-based Multiscale Modeling for Beams

    05 Jul 2019 | Contributor(s):: Banghua Zhao, Wenbin Yu

  2. Workshop5 MSG-based Multiscale Modeling for Textile Composites

    05 Jul 2019 | | Contributor(s):: Banghua Zhao, Wenbin Yu

  3. Workshop2 MSG-based Multiscale Modeling for 3D Solids

    04 Jul 2019 | | Contributor(s):: Banghua Zhao, Wenbin Yu

  4. Workshop3 MSG-based Multiscale Modeling for Plates/Shells

    04 Jul 2019 | | Contributor(s):: Banghua Zhao, Wenbin Yu

  5. 2016 cdmHUB ASC Workshop

    01 Sep 2016 | | Contributor(s):: cdmHUB Purdue

    Join us at the American Society for Composites 31st Technical Conference (http://mech.utah.edu/ASC2016/) for a hands-on workshop, on September 18, from 7:00–9:00pm, on how to use cdmHUB.org for composites learning, teaching, and research in the cloud. With the mission to convene the...

  6. 2015 Composites Simulation Workshop Agenda

    05 Jan 2016 | | Contributor(s):: cdmHUB

    2015 Composites Simulation Workshop Agenda

  7. Nov 04 2014

    Composite Materials and Computational Tools Workshop: Industrial, Academic, and Government Perspective to DOD Applications

    AFRL host this workshop in Dayton Ohio. Prof . Byron Pipes will deliver a keynote talk regarding cdmHUB on this workshop.


  8. Aug 05 2014

    cdmHUB Hands-on Workshop

    The Composites Design and Manufacturing HUB is holding a hands-on workshop in composites design, analysis and manufacturing. Join us at Purdue University on August 5-7, 2014 where we will overview...


  9. Announcement for the 2014 Composites Design, Analysis and Manufacturing Workshop

    27 Jun 2014 | | Contributor(s):: Johnathan Goodsell

    Flyer announcement for the 2014 Composites Design, Analysis and Manufacturing Workshop to be held at Purdue University, August 5-7, 2014.The Composites Design and Manufacturing HUB is holding a hands-on workshop in composites design, analysis and manufacturing. Join us at Purdue University on...