Help: Wiki Formatting

Wiki Formatting

Wiki markup is a core feature for Topic pages, tightly integrating all the other parts of Trac into a flexible and powerful whole.

cdmHUB has a built in small and powerful wiki rendering engine. This wiki engine implements an ever growing subset of the commands from other popular Wikis, especially MoinMoin.

This page demonstrates the formatting syntax available anywhere Wiki Formatting is allowed.

Font Styles

The pages supports the following font styles:

 * '''bold''', '''!''' can be bold too''', and '''! '''
 * ''italic''
 * '''''bold italic'''''
 * __underline__
 * {{{monospace}}} or `monospace`
 * ~~strike-through~~
 * ^superscript^ 
 * ,,subscript,,


  • bold, ! can be bold too, and !
  • italic
  • bold italic
  • underline
  • monospace or monospace
  • strike-through
  • superscript
  • subscript


  • {{{...}}} and `...` commands not only select a monospace font, but also treat their content as verbatim text, meaning that no further wiki processing is done on this text.
  • ! tells wiki parser to not take the following characters as wiki format, so pay attention to put a space after !, e.g. when ending bold.


You can create heading by starting a line with one up to five equal characters (”=”) followed by a single space and the headline text. The line should end with a space followed by the same number of = characters. The heading might optionally be followed by an explicit id. If not, an implicit but nevertheless readable id will be generated.


= Heading =
== Subheading ==
=== About ''this'' ===
=== Explicit id === #using-explicit-id-in-heading




About this

Explicit id


A new text paragraph is created whenever two blocks of text are separated by one or more empty lines.

A forced line break can also be inserted, using:

Line 1[[BR]]Line 2


Line 1
Line 2


The wiki supports both ordered/numbered and unordered lists.


 * Item 1
  * Item 1.1
 * Item 2

 # Item 1
  # Item 1.a
  # Item 1.b
   # Item 1.b.i
   # Item 1.b.ii
 # Item 2


  • Item 1
    • Item 1.1
  • Item 2
  1. Item 1
    1. Item 1.a
    2. Item 1.b
      1. Item 1.b.i
      2. Item 1.b.ii
  2. Item 2

Note that there must be one or more spaces preceding the list item markers, otherwise the list will be treated as a normal paragraph.

For multi-line content within a listed item, the content must be indented the same number of spaces as the initial list line content. That is, if it takes 3 characters to start a list “(space)#(space)Content”, the multi-line content must be indented 3 spaces.


 * One
 * Two[[br]]
   Multi-line content
 * Three
  • One
  • Two
    Multi-line content
  • Three

Definition Lists

The wiki also supports definition lists. Definition terms start with one space “ “ and end with double colons. Definitions must be on the line immediately following the term and start with two to three spaces.


A line with no beginning spaces.

   some kind of mammal, with hair
   some kind of reptile, without hair
   (can you spot the typo?)


A line with no beginning spaces.

some kind of mammal, with hair
some kind of reptile, without hair
(can you spot the typo?)

Preformatted Text

Block containing preformatted text are suitable for source code snippets, notes and examples. Use three curly braces wrapped around the text to define a block quote. The curly braces need to be on a separate line.


  def HelloWorld():
      print "Hello World"


 def HelloWorld():
     print "Hello World"

Note that this type of formatting can also be used to display html with minor changes in the syntax. See WikiHtml for details.


Simple tables can be created like this:

||Cell 1||Cell 2||Cell 3||
||Cell 4||Cell 5||Cell 6||


Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3
Cell 4 Cell 5 Cell 6


Hyperlinks are automatically created for WikiPageNames and URLs. WikiPageLinks can be disabled by prepending an exclamation mark “!” character, such as !WikiPageLink.


  MainPage,, !NotAlink


MainPage,, NotAlink

Links can be given a more descriptive title by writing the link followed by a space and a title and all this inside square brackets. If the descriptive title is omitted, then the explicit prefix is discarded, unless the link is an external link. This can be useful for wiki pages not adhering to the WikiPageNames convention.


 * [ Edgewall Software]
 * [MainPage Main Page]
 * [Help:WikiMacros]


Escaping Links and WikiPageNames

You may avoid making hyperlinks out of TracLinks by preceding an expression with a single “!” (exclamation mark).






The simplest way to include an image is to upload it as attachment to the current page, and put the filename in a macro call like [[Image(picture.gif)]].

In addition to the current page, it is possible to refer to other resources:

  • [[Image(picture.gif)]] (simplest)
  • [[Image(picture.gif, 120px)]] (give it a specific width)
  • [[Image(picture.gif, align-right)]] (add the CSS class “align-right” to the image)
  • [[Image(picture.gif, nolink)]] (unlinked)
  • [[Image(picture.gif, align=right)]] (align by attribute)

See Wiki Macros for further documentation on the [[Image()]] macro.


Macros are custom functions to insert dynamic content in a page.




  1. 24-07-26 23:44:21

See Wiki Macros for more information, and a list of installed macros.


Four or more dashes will be replaced by a horizontal line.




Created on , Last modified on