
Dear Prof. Yu,I have a difficulty related to the ply coordinate sy...

  1. saeid Khadem Moshir

    Dear Prof. Yu,

    I have a difficulty related to the ply coordinate system (y1,y2,y3) which is formed by rotating the global coordinate system. 

    This issue is reported in the VABS manual which is attached below on page 8. 

    I was wondering if it is possible, please let me know how this rotation has been done? Could you please let me know its transformation relation?


  2. Wenbin Yu

    Since material properties are usually given in material coordinates (e_i) in the figure, you need to rotate the properties to y_i coordinate system first, then rotate it to x_i coordinate system. ---- Emailed forum response from
  3. saeid Khadem Moshir

    Thank you Prof. Yu.

    I appreciate.