

themoviscoelastic xml format of prevabs

  1. jihun kim

    I would like to write the material properties in the material in the xml form of prevabs.

    However, numerical values such as alpha11 should be indicated with symbols such as e1, but I do not know what symbols should be used.

    If I type <alpha11> , will prevabs and swiftcomp recognize it?

    And should I list the entry location after <nu23>?


      <material name="mat_1" type="orthotropic">
    <!--    <density>1.353e-04</density> <!-- lb * sec^2 / inch^4 -->
          <e1>4.76</e1> <!-- psi -->

    Please tell me how to write xml so that it is recognized by swiftcomp


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    Replying to jihun kim

    1. Su Tian

      If by 'alpha11' you mean CTEs, you can do it in the following way:


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      Replying to Su Tian

      1. jihun kim

        thank you!!
        Can you add a form for each material to swiftcomp & vabs manual later?
        it's hard to find the right keyword without being proficient.

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      2. jihun kim

        I've tested with those files, but the sg.k file doesn't produce any results. could you please confirm?

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    2. Su Tian

      What is the case you are running exactly? Could you share the complete input files and the command you are calling?

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      Replying to Su Tian