
Dear All, there are two channels for you to follow our research. 

1. We started a newsletter called Thoughts on Composites Modeling on LinkedIn. Please subscribe to it to get informed about our research and ideas we want to share with the community.

2. We moved our discussion forum to github at wenbinyugroup · Discussions · GitHub as it has more features which can serve you better. 




About the Group

Public Description

Welcome to Prof. Yu's research group in the cloud! If you are interested in Dr. Yu's research or have questions regarding the software codes developed by him and his co-workers, you are welcome to join this group by Requesting MembershipYou can participate in discussions, access resources, network with other members who share similar technical interests. 

Vision: Simulation-based design, manufacturing, and certification of composite structures and materials.

Mission: To advance predictive capabilities for composite structures and materials and train students with simulation fundamentals and job-ready skills.

Professional Values: 

  • Truth: we pursue truth because truth can set us free.

  • Unity: we seek unity to systematically handle diversities.

  • Balance: we strike for balance between practicality and rigor.

  • Humble boldness: we embrace humble boldness to learn from others and stand firm for truth.

You can also follow Prof. Yu's research through LinkedinYoutube, or ResearchGate. Two main codes (SwiftComp and VABS) are used internationally in academia, government labs and industries. 

SwiftComp: a general-purpose, multiscale constitutive modeling code for heterogeneous materials and structures. If you want to handle textile composites, please use TexGen4SC; if you are an ABAQUS user, please use ABAQUS-SwiftComp GUI; if you are an ANSYS user, please use ANSYS-SwiftComp GUI to interface with ANSYS classical or ANSYS Workbench SwiftComp GUI to interface with ANSYS Workbench.

VABS: a general-purpose cross-sectional analysis for composite beams such as helicopter rotor blades and wind turbine blades. A preprocessor, PreVABS, is developed for preparing VABS input files. If you are an ABAQUS user, you can also use ABAQUS-VABS GUI.