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Error Running preVABS related to VABS v4.0 Update

  1. Dana Frye


    I recently had the latest version of VABS, VABS 4.0, installed on my PC. I'm using preVABS v1.4.0_beta. Somewhere in the preVABS code, it is calling VABSIII.exe, which was renamed to VABS.exe for VABS 4.0. As a result, I'm getting this error pictured below ("windows cannot find vabsiii..."). Any advice on how to work around / resolve this? I don't want to revert to VABS 3.9 because we already configured the 4.0 license file on our server which takes time. 

    Thanks in advance. 


    VABS 4.0 exe issue with preVABS

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    Replying to Dana Frye

    1. Su Tian

      Hello Dana,

      Now the latest version of PreVABS (1.4.2) uses the updated executable name 'VABS'.

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      Replying to Su Tian

      1. Dana Frye

        Didn't realize I wasn't up to date with the install. Thank you!!

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    2. Kevin Wang

      Check your installation files, installing 4.0 doesn't delete VABSIII but makes a new folder called "Windows 4.0" where VABS.exe is located.  You'll need add it to your path in environmental variables just like before

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      Replying to Kevin Wang