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A meshing problem in a box beam section

  1. Huijing Huijing Cao


    Recently, I try to compute the stiffness of a box beam whose section is like this (attached), while the model built by PreVABS (attached) is a little different from it in the corner. Is there any trick to solve this problem? By the way, can PreVABS only generate quadrangle elements without triangle ones?

    fact section

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    Replying to Huijing Huijing Cao

    1. Huijing Huijing Cao

      prevabs section

      prevabs section

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      Replying to Huijing Huijing Cao

    2. Su Tian

      Hello Huijing,

      This one should have been done by treating the left and right side walls as two separate components depending on the top and bottom ones. However, when I was testing the case, I found issues that the joints at the corners cannot be created correctly. Unfortunately, there is no tricks that can work around this issue at this moment. This can only be done after I fix this bug.

      Thank you for your feedback.

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      Replying to Su Tian