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the oml.dat and prop.dat of x1_uh60_sopt_stf

  1. bei li

    Hello, for Single objective optimization of multiple cross-sections to match target beam properties, I want to know the meaning and source of this oml.dat file and prop.dat, because I want to rebuild a new blade.

    In addition, is this command not used in single-target optimization?        weights: [0.5, 0.8, 0.8]

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    Replying to bei li

    1. Wenbin Yu

      To design a new blade, you need to start somewhere. Usually, you will select an existing airfoil or a new airfoil optimized by an airfoil tool. If you design a blade to replace an old design, you need to try to match the properties of the old design. Otherwise, you need other performance targets for you to design.
      From: bei li @ cdmHUB - The Composites HUB <>
      Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2023 8:47 PM
      To: Yu, Wenbin <>
      Subject: cdmHUB - The Composites HUB Forum: yugroup - the oml.dat and prop.dat of x1_uh60_sopt_stf

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      Replying to Wenbin Yu

    2. Su Tian

      The oml.dat stores the overall planform design of the blade, such as the airfoil name and chord length at each station. The prop.dat stores the beam properties that will be matched. These two files are in the 'data' folder. The weights are used for calculating the objective function, which is done in the script ''. More details of this example can be found in

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      Replying to Su Tian

      1. bei li

        Thank you for your answer! But for a new blade, how can I get its oml.dat file and prop.dat file? This is what I am confused about. In addition, weights should not be used when doing single-objective optimization?

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    3. Wenbin Yu

      To design a new blade, you need to start somewhere. Usually, you will select an existing airfoil or a new airfoil optimized by an airfoil tool. If you design a blade to replace an old design, you need to try to match the properties of the old design. Otherwise, you need other performance targets for you to design.

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      Replying to Wenbin Yu

      1. bei li

        Thank you for your answer. Maybe there is a problem in my previous statement. My goal now is to build a blade model through ivabs, but I don't know how to get the oml.dat and prop.dat files. I already have the chord length and airfoil distribution of the blade, but I don't know how to get some data of the nodes in the oml.dat file and the data of prop.dat file

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    4. bei li

      I want to optimize the blades through ivabs, but what software generates the oml.dat and prop.dat files? Or how did you get it?

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      Replying to bei li

      1. WenHao down the road Jiang

        May I ask if you have resolved this issue

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