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Coordinate transformation and stiffness difference

  1. WenHao down the road Jiang

    When I first ran the ". sg" file using VABS, there was a significant difference in the calculated bending stiffness compared to the coordinate "principal bending axes", and at this point, the ". k" file was mentioned as follows
    "The principal bending axes rotated from the user coordinate system by    2.5713574208102119      degrees about the positive direction of x1 axis."
    So I rotated the original coordinate system:<rotate>-2.5713574208102119</rotate>, but the final result still had a significant difference. At this point, ". k" has the following prompt: "The principal bending axes rotated from the user coordinate system by 1.684445858941341E-005 degrees about the positive direction of x1 axis." "
    So what should I do to obtain the stiffness matrix under "principal bending axes"




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