

Wei Zhao

  • Extended Profile
  • Organization
    Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, Virginia Tech
  • Website
    (not set)
  • Biography

    I am a Ph.D candidate in Aerospace Engineering in Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering at Virginia Tech. I am currently working in nonlinear aeroelastic analysis of a truss-braced wing (TBW) aircraft, which is a next generation environment-friendly civil transport aircraft. Preliminary research showed it can save more than 60% fuel emission(SUGAR phase I/II report). Unlike the cantilevered wing, flutter velocity of TBW was found very sensitivity to the load factor or AoA. MDO work needed to find the optimal configuration to save more fuel emission without any advantages performance lost. A simplified beam model with equivalent EI and GJ for the wing for structural analysis in the MDO is very necessary, where the beam has thin-walled cross section. Several other work including using composite material, stiffened panel are also conducted for wing design.