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A Novel Approach to Analyze Beam-like Composite Structures Using Mechanics of Structure Genome

By Xin Liu1, Wenbin Yu2

1. The University of Texas at Arlington 2. Purdue University

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A novel approach to the analysis of beam-like composite structure is introduced in this paper. New software Gmsh4SC is developed based on two well-known open source codes Gmsh and CalculiX. One-dimensional Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko type finite elements are derived based on the constitutive models obtained by using Mechanics of Structure Genome (MSG). Gmsh4SC is connected to a general-purpose composites software SwiftComp, which implements MSG to carry out the constitutive modeling. The software can be executed in the cloud at Several beam-like composite structures are analyzed by this newly developed software. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method is verified by three-dimensional (3D) finite element model using the commercial code ABAQUS.
