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Analysis of Composite Plates by Using Mechanics of Structure Genome and Comparison with ANSYS

By Banghua Zhao

Purdue University


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This is the master thesis from Banghua Zhao advised by Prof. Yu. In this thesis, mechanics of structure genome (MSG) has been used to analyze composite plates. A simple graphic user interface (GUI) named ANSYS-SwiftComp GUI has been developed based on ANSYS platform as a user-friendly GUI to improve the user friendliness of MSG. The numerical cases show that the MSG approach is not only accurate but also efficient in comparison to the ANSYS 3D approach and the ANSYS Composite PrepPost (ACP) approach.

Cite this work

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Banghua Zhao (2016), "Analysis of Composite Plates by Using Mechanics of Structure Genome and Comparison with ANSYS,"

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