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Structure Genome: Fill the Gap between Materials Genome and Structural Analysis

By Wenbin Yu

Purdue University


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This presentation is given at 2015 AIAA SciTech conference. A new concept, Structure Genome (SG), is proposed to fill the gap between materials genome and  structural analysis. SG acts as the basic building block  of the structure connecting materials to structures and the mechanics of SG governs the necessary information to link materials genome and structural analysis. SG also enables a powerful approach to construct efficient yet high-fidelity constitutive models for composite structures over multiple length scales. No apriori assumptions will be used in the formulation and multiscale constitutive modeling is mathematically decoupled from the structural analysis.  A general-purpose computer code called SwiftComp is developed to implement the mechanics of Structure Genome along with various examples to  demonstrate its application and power. SwiftComp can be used as plug-in for commercial finite element codes to treat composites as ``black aluminum" in structural design and analysis with negligible loss of accuracy.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Wenbin Yu (2015), "Structure Genome: Fill the Gap between Materials Genome and Structural Analysis,"

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