
Issues installing and running GEBT

  1. Anonymous


    I'm new here.  I wanted to learn more about VABS and GEBT.  I downloaded GEBT and PostGEBT.  I was able to get PostGEBT working.  However, I'm having issues with GEBT.  The included tutorial doesn't seem correct.  It points to a make file that is not present and a folder that is not present.  Also, it has you register to get ma28 and mc19.  However, those files are included in the GEBT src folder.  So it seems like the GEBT download does not match the tutorial at all.  Another issue is, for windows users, make is not a command that works.  You have to use mingw32-make.  In any event, I did get GEBT to compile, by making some guesses on what to do.  I can now run most of the examples.  However, all of the eigenvalue examples return this error:

    C:UsersAnthonyDownloadsgebtbin>gebt eigen000_00.dat
     The inputs are echoed in eigen000_00.dat.ech

     Finished reading inputs for the beam analysis.
    At line 35 of file ../src/blas.f
    Fortran runtime error: Index '2' of dimension 1 of array 'dy' above upper bound of 1

    I get the same error regardless of which eigenvalue example I chose.  Some other issues I am having are there seems to be no documentation for many of the examples.  Lastly, on cdmHUB there are two versions of GEBT downloads.  I tried both but have the same issues.

    I do need help with the above error.  I would like to suggest only having one version of GEBT to download and that the tutorial for installation gets updated.  Lastly, better documentation wrt the examples would be helpful.


    I appreciate any help you can offer.  I have not gotten to VABS yet.  I wanted to get GEBT working first.





  2. Qi Wang

    Dear Anthony,

    1. Please refer to the attached pdf file for GEBT installation. It is a step-by-step tutorial with screenshots to illustrate the installation;
    2. Before compiling, please delete all the *.mod, *.o, and *.dll files;
    3. The latest version of GEBT is online at Your input file can be uploaded and run in the cloud;
    4. We will clean up the download package soon.



  3. Anonymous

    Hi Qi,

    Thanks for the tutorial.  Unfortunately, that is the tutorial I mentioned having the error and not matching the download.  In particular all of the stuff about downloading and compiling MA28 and MC19.  Those are already in the gebt download and have been edited.  Also this line doesn't match the gebt download:

    2.2.12 Copy “MakeMA28” from ..\GEBT4 (your download package from to ..\MA28 (the working folder).


    I don't have that file or folder in either of the downloads available on gebt.  I was able to compile and run most of the examples by making some guesses.  However, none of the eigenvalue examples will run.  I get the following error:

    C:\Users\Anthony\Downloads\gebt\bin>gebt eigen000_00.dat
     The inputs are echoed in eigen000_00.dat.ech

     Finished reading inputs for the beam analysis.
    At line 35 of file ../src/blas.f
    Fortran runtime error: Index '2' of dimension 1 of array 'dy' above upper bound of 1

  4. Qi Wang

    Hi Anthony,

    The "MA28" folder does not included in the download package but a user created working folder for compiling MA28.dll, see Step 2.1 on the second slide of the tutorial. Attached please find the three makefiles. Firstly, run the "MakeMA28" to generate the MA28.dll; then run the "MakeC_win" to generate "Analysis.dll"; finally, run "Makefile" to generate the "gebt.exe". Please keep the two dll files, "MA28.dll" and "Analysis.dll" in the same folder with the source files used to compile "gebt.exe".

    Please delete all the *.o, *.mod, and *.dll files before you start compiling.


  5. Anonymous

    Hi Qi,

    I tried the files you sent and I still get the same error.  As far as the MA28 folder, I was not talking about that folder.  What I was saying is MA28 and MC19 are contained in the gebt/src folder already.  They have already been edited and compile.  So the tutorial is talking about stuff that has already been done and pointed to files and folders that don't exist.  In any event I am still getting errors about the blas file.  For the make files you send I had to edit some of the names blas.for and lapack.for were blas.f and lapack.f in the gebt downloads from cdmHUB.  I get the feeling there is something wrong with the gebt downloads on cdmHUB.  Certainly something seems wrong with the blas.f file.

  6. Qi Wang

    Hi Anthony,

    I just tested the download package and it is working well on my computer, see attached. Instead of changing file names in the makefile, I renamed "blas.f" and "lapack.f" as "blas.for" and "lapack.for" in the folder. Are you using gfortran to compile the files?

    The MA28-related files should not be included in the download package. We are now communicating with the developer from UK on this issue.



  7. Anonymous

    Thanks Qi,


    I deleted the gebt folder I had before where I used the makefiles from the bin folder.  I then unzipped the gebt download from cdmHUB again.  Then I used the makefiles you sent me.  Everything worked.  For some reason because I used the other make files the *.o files being in the folder where messing things up when I tried to use your makefiles.  In any event the eigen examples are now running, so thanks a lot for your help.


    If I can suggest a few things.  If you upload a new gebt download to cdmHUB it would be helpful to have the correct makefiles in the src folder.  Also, have the installation tutorial match the files and folders.  It seems like everything is out of sink and there are incorrect files, missing folders, incorrect file names etc...  Also for windows users the make command is mingw32-make -f rather than make -f.

  8. Anonymous

    This is a re-post, my original message didn't get sent out:

    Thanks Qi,


    I deleted the gebt folder I had before where I used the makefiles from the bin folder.  I then unzipped the gebt download from cdmHUB again.  Then I used the makefiles you sent me.  Everything worked.  For some reason because I used the other make files the *.o files being in the folder where messing things up when I tried to use your makefiles.  In any event the eigen examples are now running, so thanks a lot for your help.


    If I can suggest a few things.  If you upload a new gebt download to cdmHUB it would be helpful to have the correct makefiles in the src folder.  Also, have the installation tutorial match the files and folders.  It seems like everything is out of sink and there are incorrect files, missing folders, incorrect file names etc...  Also for windows users the make command is mingw32-make -f rather than make -f.

  9. Wenbin Yu

    Dear Anthony, Thanks a lot for pointing out the inconsistency. Yes, MA28 package should not be included in the downloads. Qi, can you upload a updated zip file for a correct download which should match the tutorial. If one has gfortran compile installed, then make should be available as a command line command. 

  10. Anonymous

    hi wenbin,

    perhaps make works for some using windows i'm not sure.  i have gfortran installed via mingw-builds.  in the mingw64/bin folder only mingw32-make.exe is available.  there is no make.exe.  it may depend on how someone has installed gfortran on windows.  obviously linux is different and i would think make would be available for those users.  i just wanted to point out i couldn't compile using make -f.  i had to use mingw32-make -f.

    i do hope you get your documentation, folders, and file names synced up.  also having the correct make files in the correct folders would be very useful.  i did finally get gebt to work with Qi's help.

  11. Xiao Sun

    Hi Anthony,

    FYI, I also use gfortran to comply the files. I installed a eclipse development platform in my windows system. It contains a gfortran complier and can directly run the Makefile and get the executable files.


  12. Anonymous

    Hi Xaio,


    Thanks for the info.  I have heard of Eclipse, but I haven't tried it out yet.  In the past I have tried Cygwin, tdm-gcc, and a few different versions of MinGW.  There is also a gfortran for Code::Blocks, but I don't recall if I have tried it out or not.  There are a lot of different ways to use gfortran on Windows but unfortunately gcc itself does not provide a method of their own.  My current gfortran setup works by putting a path to mingw64/bin in my system variables.  Any of the *.exe files that are contained there will run from a command prompt window.  gfortran is one of the available options.  I had never used make before this.  I use Windows *.bat files to automate the compiling for code that I write.

    I was just trying to say that even though I have gfortran on Windows make -f didn't work for my setup.  It is probably going to be hard to write a tutorial for this part of the setup because of all the different ways people my have gfortran installed.  Also, I am on 64-bit Windows so it could be a little different for 32-bit Windows.