Tags: Abaqus-VABS

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  1. PreVabs Abaqus interface 3D models

    Forum › defaultsection › vabscompositebeams-category

    Hi all, After reading the PreVabs manual, VABS manual and watching the youtube channel it is still a bit unclear how to proceed with my model. The way I see it; With the PreVabs interface...


  2. to complet the I bean workshop using Abaqus-ABSGUI, & XML file generation

    Closed | Responses: 1

    Hello Prof. Yu and Mr. Su Tian,

    I am a new users of Abaqus-VABSGUI, preVABS, VABS.  To quickly know how to use the codes, please give me some supports.  Here are my...


  3. Question about Abaqus-VABS GUI

    Forum › defaultsection › vabscompositebeams-category

    hello,  I have read the tutorial about the usage of Abaqus-VABS-GUI-Code,  and I am working on my own case. I use NACA0012 as the airfoil along with single web, but after run the...
