2014 Composites Design, Analysis and Manufacturing Workshop
04 Sep 2014 |
Composites Design, Analysis and Manufacturing Workshop held at Purdue University on August 5-7, 2014. Both lectures slides and lecture videos are presented.
2015 cdmHUB Workshop
05 Jan 2016 | | Contributor(s):: Johnathan Goodsell
Composites Design, Analysis and Manufacturing Workshop held at Purdue University on November 3-5, 2015. Both lectures slides and lecture videos are presented.
I want to learn homogenization. from which resources can i start to read?
Closed | Responses: 1
Effective Lamina and Laminate Properties
19 Feb 2014 | | Contributor(s):: Johnathan Goodsell, Andrew J Ritchey
Calculate effective lamina and laminate properties from phase properties and layup.
Halpin-Tsai Micromechanics Model
10 Oct 2013 | | Contributor(s):: Johnathan Goodsell, Andrew J Ritchey
Calculate homogenized lamina properties from fiber and matrix properties
Homogenization with Finite Size
Forum › defaultsection › cdmhuborg
Hello all,
I am having a problem with homogenization of a squarepack (block with a hole) using SwiftComp ANSYS Workbench GUI. I tried both symmetrical mesh and default quadratic mesh...
Is it possible to homogenize aperiodic/partially periodic structures using 3D FEA?
Closed | Responses: 1
Dear sir,
apart from MSG? is there any alternate way to predict effective properties using 3D FEA for aperiodic/ partially structures such as honeycomb core, circular fiber...
Micromechanics 1: Effective Elastic Property Predictions
13 Feb 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Johnathan Goodsell
Lecture for 2/16
Micromechanics 2: Voigt and Reuss Models
17 Feb 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Johnathan Goodsell
Lecture for 2/18
Micromechanics 3: Hybrid Voigt and Reuss Model
18 Feb 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Johnathan Goodsell
Lecture for 2/20/15
Micromechanics 4: Halpin-Tsai and Self-Consistent Models
02 Mar 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Johnathan Goodsell
Lecture for 3/2/15
Micromechanics Simulation Challenge - Level 1
26 Jan 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Johnathan Goodsell, Andrew J Ritchey, Wenbin Yu
In cooperation with academia, industry and commercial software providers, the Composites Design and Manufacturing HUB is pleased to announce the Micromechanics Simulation Challenge. The problems in Level 1 of the simulation challenge are attached. Additionally, stp and iges files of the complex...
Predict elastic properties of plain woven composites
Problem Description
The MSG solid model is used to predict the effective properties of a plain weave composite using a two-step approach. This problem is the first example in the paper “Liu,...
RVE Acceptable Size to be Counted as Micro
27 Jul 2014 |
Posted by Farzad
Just a general question about Homogenization , when we are selecting the RVE , how much should it be smaller than the Macro dimensions of the model , to be counted micro , I mean only that one part...
Skill of Using Surface Element in ANSYS
26 Mar 2015 | | Contributor(s):: Fang Jiang
Dear All, For those ANSYS users, please check the attached skill of using surface element, “Surface_Effect_Elements.pdf”, to apply the surface tangent traction. It works well for homogenization simulations, and also for some beams structure validations. This attached zip file also...
SwiftComp Homogenization Problem
Forum › defaultsection › swiftcompmechanicsofstructuregenomeandrelateddiscussions-category
Hi all,
When I type "SwiftComp micro1D.sc 3D H" in the commandline window, as stated in Readme.txt which is in the installation folder, it reports successful run and I can...
Tet and Hex element type results variation
Closed | Responses: 2
Dear all,
I'm trying to use ABAQUS-Swiftcomp GUI to obtain homogenised RVE properties. It is my first use, and I'm happy with the ABAQUS interface and processing time, in...
13 Sep 2016 | | Contributor(s):: Xin Liu, Wenbin Yu
Modeling of woven fabric composites generated by TexGen using SwiftComp
TexGen4SC Tutorial #1: Homogenization Analysis of Textile Composites with Arbitrary Inter-ply Shifts
03 Jan 2017 | | Contributor(s):: Xin Liu, Wenbin Yu
This tutorial shows how to use TexGen4SC to perform homogenization analysis of textile composites with arbitrary inter-ply shifts. A companion video is available on YouTube. TexGen4SC can be launched directly from https://cdmhub.org/tools/texgen4sc. A python script for the...
Three-dimensional thermoelastic properties of general composite laminates
06 Dec 2018 | | Contributor(s):: Orzuri Rique, Johnathan Goodsell, Wenbin Yu, Byron Pipes
This paper presents a hybrid rule of mixtures for calculating the complete set of effective three-dimensional thermoelastic properties of composite laminate when it is approximated as an equivalent, homogeneous, anisotropic solid. The laminate can be made of generally anisotropic layers with...