Presentation of Micromechanics Simulation Challenge Level I Initial Results
04 Aug 2015 | Contributor(s):: Andrew J Ritchey, Johnathan E Goodsell, Hamsasew Sertse, Wenbin Yu, Byron Pipes
The attached slides summarize the Micromechanics Simulation Challenge Level I Initial Results in a presentation format. The complete report can be found at https://cdmhub.org/resources/948, and all the files supporting the results can be found...
Micromechanics Simulation Challenge - Level 1
26 Jan 2015 | Contributor(s):: Johnathan Goodsell, Andrew J Ritchey, Wenbin Yu
In cooperation with academia, industry and commercial software providers, the Composites Design and Manufacturing HUB is pleased to announce the Micromechanics Simulation Challenge. The problems in Level 1 of the simulation challenge are attached. Additionally, stp and iges files of the complex...
Micromechanics Simulation Challenge (Draft)
19 Sep 2014 | Contributor(s):: Johnathan Goodsell, Wenbin Yu, Byron Pipes
The cdmHUB is hosting a Micromechanics Simulation Challenge and we would like to invite the composites community to participate in defining and executing the challenge. The Micromechanics Simulation Challenge will consist of 3 levels, each with benchmark-type problems to assess the strengths and...