Problem Description
Predicting the failure initiation is the first step for many failure analyses of composites. A popular approach is the multiscale failure analysis, which computes the homogenized failure strength constants from the fine scale and use these strength constants along with the predefined failure criterion at the coarse scale. For example, in order to predict the failure initiation of a 2D woven laminate, we need the strength constants in each lamina to define the failure criterion and these constants are computed from the mesoscale model. In this example, we will show how to compute the strength constants using a plain woven SG at the mesoscale.
Solution Procedure
- step 1
Create a plain woven SG as in the previous examples. Here, we just want to show how to use this initial failure strength constants. To simplify the problem, we use the default parameters for this woven SG (un-select the add %10 domain height).
- step 2
Save the sc model and run mesoscale analysis as in the previous example.
(Image(ex1Woven3.jpg) failed - File not found)
- step 3
Click Initial failure as shown in the following figure.
- ref 1
- ref 2