
Dear All, there are two channels for you to follow our research. 

1. We started a newsletter called Thoughts on Composites Modeling on LinkedIn. Please subscribe to it to get informed about our research and ideas we want to share with the community.

2. We moved our discussion forum to github at wenbinyugroup · Discussions · GitHub as it has more features which can serve you better. 




cdmHUB as a Platform for Converting Your Scripts into Apps

The Composites Design and Manufacturing HUB (, a community-driven, collaborative platform that has the unique capability to let users to freely publish and run simulation codes in the cloud in addition to all the social network functionalities (blogging, questions/answers, groups, etc.). cdmHUB is build upon the same cyberinfrastructure as nanoHUB, a site praised in Materials Genome Initiative as a good example for open innovation and collaboration. This platform removes the need of installation of the codes on client machines and the need of high end computing resources as it is linked with HPC resources in the cloud. Basically, one can run huge engineering simulations on any devices including mobile phones connected to Internet through a broswer. Currently, the system can easily handle Linux or Windows executables. We are developing new functionalities so that other typical scripts such as Abaqus UMATs, Python scripts, matlab scripts can also be disseminated as launchable Apps in cloud. No change of your codes is necessary. You have complete control of your code and you decide who can use your code. cdmHUB also provides many functionalities such as secure groups, projects, discussion boards, blogs and wikis for real-time collaborations in a virtual environment. Supported by DARPA and industrial sponsors,  we are providing cdmHUB as a free platform for all users. Our  technical focus is on design and manufacturing of composites (materials featuring anisotropy and heterogeneity at length scale larger than micron). To get a test of its capabilities, you can try to use your favorite device to carry out a multiscale constitutive modeling of textile composites at  To understand more about this platform, please see 

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