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Discussions in "VABS and its related theory and codes"
4710 There are unconnected nodes in the mesh by 26 Posts Last Post by
4451 Strength Ratio Recovery After Homogenization - PreVABS Setup by 25 Posts Last Post by
4470 Stress/Strain Recovery and Visualization by 16 Posts Last Post by
4513 PreVABS 1.4.3 Released by 16 Posts Last Post by
4722 Timoshenko Stiffness Matrix of K66 by 14 Posts Last Post by
4698 Detailed lamination of blunt trailing edge by 10 Posts Last Post by
4431 GEBT parameterization for initially curved composite beams by 10 Posts Last Post by
4437 Batch running stress recoveries by 8 Posts Last Post by
4683 VABS Beam Coordinate System by 7 Posts Last Post by
4748 the oml.dat and prop.dat of x1_uh60_sopt_stf by 8 Posts Last Post by
4799 Structural parameterization at the blade level by 6 Posts Last Post by
4511 A meshing error in a cross-section with 3 webs by 4 Posts Last Post by
4461 Release of new version of PreVABS for VABS 4.0 by 6 Posts Last Post by
4808 thermoelastic flag by 6 Posts Last Post by
4815 Function confirmation request by 3 Posts Last Post by
4818 Failure criterion result by 2 Posts Last Post by
4462 Error Running preVABS related to VABS v4.0 Update by 4 Posts Last Post by
4629 A meshing problem in a box beam section by 3 Posts Last Post by
4639 VABS Recovery Theory by 5 Posts Last Post by
4418 Abaqus-VABS GUI Issue by 3 Posts Last Post by